St. Patrick’s Day…in Italy

Dear Francesco,

We had a wonderful Saint Patrick’s Day at a pub called Celtic.

You would have absolutely loved the live Irish music!

Would have made you proud, they rivaled any Irish band.

I shared that thing with my friends and the pub owner, you know, the one we always laughed at together…that Italian Irish pubs are the only Irish pubs in the world that make more money on food than on drink!

Everyone was eating as they enjoyed the music.

I thought of you a lot.

Maurizio (my new guy) came too, not really knowing what it was all about.

“What’s Saint Patrick’s Day?” he asked.

He’s a full Italian.

Ostuni D.O.C.

Never actually been to Ireland.

Not like you.

I must be careful not to compare.

He joined in though and enjoyed the buzz.

Our friends in America, Paula and Rob, messaged me too.

They were recalling many Saint Patrick’s Days spent together, one including wine tasting in Italy.

Another, with us in LA.

It was lovely to hear from them.

Rob was a best friend for you.

By the way, I see you’re showing up a lot in my dreams.

Thanks for being near me so much.

I know you’re still guiding me.

Whilst I’m forging a new path ahead, I want you to know I’m grateful for the life we had and that you’re always with me.

Celestino misses his Daddy.

But we’re strong together.

When he sees your bike friends he jumps like crazy, I have to control him.

He remembers everyone and everything.

I see his affection towards them as a sign of love and loyalty for you.

Anyway better go now….

Been sitting in the sun too long.

Much love and miss you, Happy Saint Patrick's Day xx


Living in Presence…not Pressure


Ultimate Alignment